Teachers’ Union
Since the foundation of English Book Education, we have always chosen teacher professional development to be one of our most important and cherished directions. We believe that good teaching does not happen by chance; rather, it is the result of applied study, reflection, practical experience, and of course hard work. As such, a directed program of professional development is the best means for teachers to gain such knowledge.
With that in mind, we have turned English Book Education into a place where teachers can get high quality support to enhance their ongoing knowledge acquisition as well as their professional confidence. New methodology is developed worldwide every day and it is very important to integrate these innovations into the professional competence of all our teachers. We provide continuing opportunities for teachers to continue to improve their knowledge and skills so they can help students achieve.
In this way, through supporting teacher development, we as a team at English Book Education have decided to launch Teachers’ Union which is dedicated to encourage professional development and networking.
What is Teachers’ Union?
Teachers’ Union is a place where you can meet colleagues and speakers from all over the world and listen to what they have to say about the things you are interested in. We believe that the educational development is the core to everyone’s success and that in mind, we have decided to give the teachers more opportunities to attend conferences, have access to all the necessary materials and activities, get special discounts and online consultation.
Teachers' Union runs subscription.
Subscription Benefits:
Onestopenglish subscription
Access to MPO
Access to Macmillan English Campus
Discount on e-library
20% discount on our short or long-term training courses
35 % discount on Teacher’s Books and fiction and non-fiction books
Free webinars
Access to ELT coursebook planners and tests
Access to extra activities
Registration for consulting
The only thing you pay is a price to be subscribed to the Union. It is 350 GEL per year, that will be divided into 2 installments.